
Wednesday, October 6, 2010

What's the Big Deal with Fashion?

First, what is fashion? Webster defines fashion as forming something [1]. So I would say, fashion is the formation of clothing trends and customs. Fashion has been around for as long as people have been wearing clothes. If you watch one of my favorite movies, The Devil Wears Prada, it shows the impact of fashion on everyday life. Each choice in clothing you make defines your fashion choices. For example something as simple as a tee shirt can mean so much even if you didn’t have a thought in your mind when you picked it up this morning. Even if you don’t give a single care to fashion, you still attribute to it by not caring. Because, this way, you are showing the world you don’t care about fashion [2]. 


You cannot out run fashion! It is everywhere. So why not embrace it and have fun while you are at it? Fashion can be exciting rather you are dressing up for a party or Halloween. There are so many styles to choose from along with endless accessories. If you don’t have much money to spend on making your wardrobe bigger then check out some second hand shops and Wal-Mart. You are sure to find something for a few bucks, and be able to turn it into something stylish. In fact for spirit week, I got my outfits from the second hand store and Wal-Mart. There are many stores that will offer low prices for cute stuff. You just sometimes have to have a creative eye when shopping.


Yes, some people make too big of a deal out of fashion. But it doesn’t hurt to have fun when you are getting ready for the day. If you pick out something cute that you feel comfortable in, you will see you could be happier through the day and have a high self-esteem. Fashion is a good thing. Back to the people taking fashion too far, you don’t need to compete with them. You should choose your own style and go from there. For example, the designers at run way shows often make the fashion extreme to catch buyers’ eyes. But by the time fashion gets to the store it has been toned down quiet a bit [2].
Celebrities also help make fashion the big thing it is today [3]. While the celebrities wear outfits on stage that are more like costumes, they are not really for everyday wear. But what they wear on the red carpet and out-and-about is what people go crazy over. There are some people who must dress just like their favorite celebrity and while doing this they loose sight of their own style. I think its great that celebrities help make the fashion world bigger, but I do sometimes think it can be blown out of proportion.
            Either way fashion is a part of everyday. So, why not embrace it and enjoy!



1-(1972). Webster's collegiate new world dictionary. New York, Cleveland: The World Publishing Company.

2- Nellis, C.N. (2010). Fashion 101. Retrieved from

3- What is fashion?. (n.d.). Retrieved from

/ 4-The Movie Mind, Initials. (2007, November 25). The movie mind. Retrieved from

5-Lafaille, F.E. (n.d.). Fashion photography. Retrieved from

6-Dangling sale signs. (2008-2010). Retrieved from

1 comment:

  1. I haven't really paid any attention to the deep details of fashion, but maybe I can do a little better. Good post! Most of your post have been very helpful!
